Study Says That If You Take A Cold Shower, You're More Likely To Go To Work

Aside from being a way to escape the Florida heat, here's another reason to take a cold shower: you might call out from work less. 

Dutch researchers looked at 3,000 people and found that participants who took showers that started off warm and were followed by a 30, 60, or 90-second blast of cold water were 29 percent less likely to call in sick. 

However, the chilly blast did not make them less likely to get sick in the first place. 

The reason is still unclear, but similar studies on animals suggests that exposure to cold releases beta-endorphins which make dealing with pain easier. 

Study participants also reported having more energy after a cold shower to start the day.

The energy boost was similar to that of the caffeine hit from a cup of coffee in the morning.

So what's the take home message here? 

Blasting yourself with cold water regularly makes you more likely to tough it out and go to work if you get sick.

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